Withhin the past few years there has being talks of sustainable communities in Britain. Sustainable communities are communities planned and built to encourage sustainable living. It comprises sustainability aspects which relate to development such as:
· water transportation
· energy
· waste
· materials
The Sustainable Communities Act 2007 was put in place to promote the sustainability of local communities. In addition it also helps the council to think of new ways of improving the quality of life and wellbeing in their local areas. In the community I live in I personally think that it is partly sustainable. It is also known for its crime rates. Many people living in the community do not know each other and most of them keep to themselves.
Every household is given a recycling bag; many people try their best to recycle. There are only a few amounts of people that own a bike, most people chose to drive or take public transport. There are lots of local shops around, this helps lots of the people as, it is only a walking distance from their house. There is a big park where the children and adults can play and spend time as a family. There is a centre for young children and youth to go into; this keeps them from getting into trouble. The majority of young people and children attend schools. There are two nurseries one which is private and another which is owned by the local council.
Most of the houses are not central heating and all have hot water. Most people try to turn their lights down when it is not in use. The local council has thought of new ways of getting people more improved in reducing their CO2. The market square is not a long walk from most of the houses, so people walk to the market.
There are different services which are provided in my community:
· bupa services for the elderly
· nurseries
· primary schools
· after school clubs
· GPs
Furthermore most of the people have access to health care. In order to make the community sustainable, they are breaking all the old houses and building new ones which will be more sustainable and will be less of a risk to the environment. The once that are not being broken down are getting new heating systems and other things. In addition the council has placed bins for people to put their dog waste in.
Every year they hold an event where all the people living in the community can get together. In order to make the community more sustainable, they have the bin men to come collect each of the household’s rubbish, also people are fine if they do not recycle. They get some of the children and adults to help pit up rubbish that people have left on the ground. In what the government classifies as a sustainable community, I will say my community is not a sustainable community. Many people are not bored about what their action does to the environment.