Friday 8 April 2011

Why border lying?

In today’s society many people don’t like recycling because they see no point in it. However there is a few that do recycling. It all depends on where the person lives and how they have being brought up. Many people like to think that just because they walking and turn off their light it means that they are being sustainable, but there is more to sustainable living than that.

Yes I will say that in the further I will like to drive rather than walk, even though I know it is not that sustainable. The problem with people who don’t live sustainable live is that they are denial of the issue and don’t want to deal with it, but for now I would rather walk and live a sustainable life so that the next generation will benefit from my action. 

Although a car will be a fast way of getting to where ever I want, it’s not sustainable. My dream house will be to live in a big house, but I would like to live in an area which is sustainable and does lots of recycling. The government need to be tougher on living sustainable, the places that are less sustainable should be made to live sustainable by enforcing a rule that it is a crime not to be sustainable.

South Africa would be one of my ideal places to go on holiday. Because it has a nice whether climate, and I will not need to worry about living sustainably. I would rather have a cheapest handset, rather than a smart phone. It does not cost a lot and does not have a big impact on the climate.  I will not mind giving up shopping for a month or two, a year is too long.  I love to shop; shopping is a part of me. Giving it up for a year will be very difficult for me because  I like buying thing for my family and myself.

I love eating my fruit and I will find it hard to give up eating fruit. I like to eat it as snacks, and it makes me feel that am eating healthy. There is still hope to make change in the world today; the government should be more forceful in making people live sustainable. There should be a law put in place, where people are made to recycle.

Although many people are lazy to do live a sustainable life, by putting the laws in place it will stop people being lazy. One way of thing the government can do to improve people being lazy and living a sustainable life is by building new houses and changes the areas that are not sustainable. I am sure that deep inside people want to live sustainably but don’t know how to.

All the local authorities should have a centre where people can get information on living more sustainably, they should also have the community all join together and work towards building a better sustainable community and life.  

1 comment:

  1. Great post. I have always agreed that less is more. Your point about the cheapest handset is clever. I always said the only a $100,000 car does that a $1,000 car can is cost ten times as much. I recently settled into a new Foreclosed home in NJ. The neighborhood is very small and behind us is a village of mansions. I love my new home and I wouldn't change a thing. Good post!
